Bucks county green blog gus linton Bucks-Mont Green Blog: Voting Integrity Forum, July 30Bucks county green blog party gus linton Bucks county green party gus linton .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}

Bucks-Mont Green Blog

This blog is intended to help people in the southeastern Pennsylvania region communicate and organize around issues of Green values and sustainability.

July 28, 2005

Voting Integrity Forum, July 30

Important Voting Workshop

A half-day voting workshop will be held at the Pearl Buck room of library in Doylestown on Saturday, July 30, 1:15-5 p.m., led by Teresa Hommel ofwww.wheresthepaper.org.

A corporate trainer in computer technology and election integrity activist, Ms. Hommel spoke at the well-received Coalition for Voting Integrity forum at the Bucks County courthouse on June 27.

This workshop will educate citizens interested in the issues surrounding voting machines with emphasis on preparing us to share this information with others in our area.

Our County Commissioners will be making a decision soon, as to which voting system will be chosen in 2006….or might we keep existing machines and save 6-10 million dollars. It is imperative that we learn our choices and become articulate in communicating the need to keep our vote secure.
• What is the law…do we really have to spend millions to replace voting machines…. What are the real facts/options
• What are advantages and disadvantages of electronic machines, optical scanners, and paper ballot and lever methods
• Just how secure is computer voting …what are the risks?
• What is “secret programming”? Do you want to vote on machine which NO ONE outside manufacturers are allowed to see programs? What can be done?
• Learn how and why decertification of electronic voting machines is underway in PA.
• Be informed as to how to safeguard our vote, while having a cost-effective process…. and what you can do to protect OUR Vote
Please indicate your interest by email to VotingIntegrity@aol.com. or call 215.357.5206 to register. Advanced sign up will help us in our planning. A $15 donation if you register in advance $20 is requested for registering at the door.

Democracy BEGINS with the Integrity of OUR Voting Process
….. and ENDS without it!


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